Coding and Reasoning with Purity, Strong Types, and Monads
Doug Beardsley (mightybyte)
January 29, 2012
Programmers will ALWAYS make mistakes

- Progress dictates that complexity will be near the limits of our capabilities.
- What do we do about this?
- Make the computer detect as many of our mistakes as possible
- How does Haskell accomplish this?
- Strong static type system
- Purity
- Monads are one of the nicer ways to do I/O in pure, strongly typed languages.
Monad press missing the point
- Lots of talk about monads these days
- Notably, Douglas Crockford's YUIConf keynote "Monads & Gonads"
- "Anything that returns 'this' is kind of a monad." --Douglas Crockford
- "JQuery is a monad." --Joe Javascript Programmer
- But that's not what Haskellers are so zealous about.
Monads in static and dynamic languages
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
- Haskell separates the context from the return value.
- The m has to stay the same--you can't suddenly switch contexts.
Monads in static and dynamic languages
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
- Haskell separates the context from the return value.
- The m has to stay the same--you can't suddenly switch contexts.
- "A dynamically typed language is...a static language with a single type" --Roman Cheplyaka
- Dynamic language monad definition
return :: U -> U
(>>=) :: U -> (U -> U) -> U
- (also from Roman Cheplyaka)
Monads in static and dynamic languages
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
- Haskell separates the context from the return value.
- The m has to stay the same--you can't suddenly switch contexts.
- "A dynamically typed language is...a static language with a single type" --Roman Cheplyaka
- Dynamic language monad definition
return :: U -> U
(>>=) :: U -> (U -> U) -> U
- (also from Roman Cheplyaka)
- No concept of a "return value"
- In that context, monads are just a pattern for concise "chaining" syntax
- The main point is the interaction between monads, strong static types, and purity.
Case Study 1: Data Fusion
- Large scale, real time, multi-threaded system
- Large shared data structure
- Ambitious performance requirements
- Fairly mature system
- ~10 man-years of development effort
- ~120k lines of Java code
How it might be done in Java
public class ImmutableEntity {
public ImmutableEntity(Entity e);
// only define getter methods
- Slightly inconvenient
- But...
How it might be done in Java
public class ImmutableEntity {
public ImmutableEntity(Entity e);
// only define getter methods
- Slightly inconvenient
- But...
Position p = immutableEntity.getPosition();
p.setX(5); // Wait a minute...
How it might be done in Java
public class ImmutableEntity {
public ImmutableEntity(Entity e);
// only define getter methods
- Slightly inconvenient
- But...
Position p = immutableEntity.getPosition();
p.setX(5); // Wait a minute...
public class ImmutablePosition {
public ImmutablePosition(Position e);
// only define getter methods
How it might be done in Java
public class ImmutableEntity {
public ImmutableEntity(Entity e);
// only define getter methods
- Slightly inconvenient
- But...
Position p = immutableEntity.getPosition();
p.setX(5); // Wait a minute...
public class ImmutablePosition {
public ImmutablePosition(Position e);
// only define getter methods
- You have to do this all the way down to the primitives
- Adds a lot of extra code in an already verbose language
Haskell solves this easily
updateEntity :: Entity -> Input -> m ()
updateEntity :: Entity -> Input -> Entity
swapEntity :: Entity -> m ()
- Because Haskell is pure and strongly typed, we know that
cannot modify the global entity repository.
- The distinction between "
" and "m a
" is crucial here.
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
Case Study 2: Heist
- An HTML5 template system
- Designed around the DOM
- Uses data model from the xmlhtml package
data Node = TextNode Text
| Comment Text
| Element
{ name :: Text
, attrs :: [(Text, Text)]
, children :: [Node]
- Allows you to populate HTML pages with dynamic content
Powerful but slow
- Heist was essentially an interpreted language
- Every time the template is rendered
- Traversing DOM
- Transforming it
- Rendering the transformed DOM to markup
- Compared to concatenative templating...very slow
Speed up by changing to a compiled language
- Change splices to run as much as possible at load time
- But we still have to allow run time data to be inserted
HeistT m [Node]
HeistT n IO (DList (Chunk n))
- Chunk is our intermediate representation
- It encapsulates two possibilities
- Pure
known at load time
- A run time computation (the monad
) generating a ByteString
Chunks compiled into a run time render function
- Adjacent pure items collapsed
- End up with
[ Pure "<h1>", Runtime getUserLogin, Pure "</h1><ul><li>Age: "
, Runtime getUserAge, Pure "</li></ul>"]
- This "object code" finally converted into
(n Builder)
- Proof of concept coded from scratch by Gregory Collins and Jasper Van der Jeugt at UHac.
- My job: figuring out how the new and old paradigms should coexist.
- Very open-ended problem
- Should I completely eliminate old interpreted method?
- Significant knowledge and experience contained in the existing Heist code and test suite
- Ship as one or two packages?
- Avoid code duplication
- Separate interpreted and compiled or allow them both to be used?
- ...allow both
- Allow users to transition more incrementally
Benefits of doing this in Haskell
- I originally wanted to take you step-by-step through the evolution.
- Unfortunately that doesn't show up in commit logs.
- Points that stick out in my mind
- The distinction between load time and run time is crucial
- Exactly what Haskell's strongly typed purity gives us
- The context (run time or load time) is whatever monad we're in
- Benefits to me
- Reuse the HeistT abstraction and reduce code
- Less potential for implementation error
- Benefits to the users
- Can't confuse a compiled splice for an interpreted splice
- Type system was invaluable in helping me explore the design space
How might it look in Java?
- What does it mean to be running in a particular run time monad?
- Program life cycle
- Process starts up, do a bunch of initialization.
- Listen on a socket and wait for HTTP requests.
- Parse the HTTP request into an HttpRequest object.
- Call the appropriate user-defined handler function and make the HttpRequest data available to it.
- Being in the run time monad means you have an HttpRequest.
- What if you're not in the run time monad?
How might it look in Java?
- What does it mean to be running in a particular run time monad?
- Program life cycle
- Process starts up, do a bunch of initialization.
- Listen on a socket and wait for HTTP requests.
- Parse the HTTP request into an HttpRequest type.
- Call the appropriate user-defined handler function and make the HttpRequest data available to it.
- Being in the run time monad means you have an HttpRequest.
- What if you're not in the run time monad?
How might it look in Java?
- What does it mean to be running in a particular run time monad?
- Program life cycle
- Process starts up, do a bunch of initialization.
- Listen on a socket and wait for HTTP requests.
- Parse the HTTP request into an HttpRequest type.
- Call the appropriate user-defined handler function and make the HttpRequest data available to it.
- Being in the run time monad means you have an HttpRequest.
- What if you're not in the run time monad?
- Java doesn't give you concepts for run time and load time. It gives you null pointer checks (a run time concept).
- Even if you assume the null pointer check is already done, run time == the existence of an HttpRequest. This is much less modular and useful than Haskell's typed monads.
A Deeper Dive
newtype HeistT n m a = HeistT {
runHeistT :: Node
-> HeistState n
-> m (a, HeistState n)
data HeistState n = HeistState
{ _spliceMap :: HashMap Text (HeistT n n [Node])
, _compiledSpliceMap :: HashMap Text (HeistT n IO (DList (Chunk n)))
, ...
- A lot of information encoded here
represents the run time monad
represents the "currently running" monad
- The load time monad is IO, so compiled splices have to run in IO (type level guarantee)
- We could be even more strict and define our own load time monad
newtype Loadtime a = Loadtime { runLoadtime :: IO a }
- For run time "interpreted" splices, the run time monad is the same as the monad they're running in.
Types are both stringent and flexible
HeistT n n [Node] -- Interpreted (run time) splice
HeistT n IO (DList (Chunk n)) -- Compiled (load time) splice
- What if we had something like this
data PersonType = Grunt
| Manager
| Executive deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded)
enumSelectSplice :: Show a
=> Text -- ^ Name attribute
-> [a]
-> HeistT n n [Node]
personSelect = enumSelectSplice "person-type" [minBound..maxBound]
- No dynamic data involved here, we should be able to reuse this code for both compiled and interpreted splices.
- For compiled splices just call a simple render function that converts
into a ByteString.
- Simple type change...
Types are both stringent and flexible
HeistT n n [Node] -- Interpreted (run time) splice
HeistT n IO (DList (Chunk n)) -- Compiled (load time) splice
- What if we had something like this
data PersonType = Grunt
| Manager
| Executive deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded)
enumSelectSplice :: Show a
=> Text -- ^ Name attribute
-> [a]
-> HeistT n n [Node]
personSelect = enumSelectSplice "person-type" [minBound..maxBound]
- No dynamic data involved here, we should be able to reuse this code for both compiled and interpreted splices.
- For compiled splices just call a simple render function that converts
into a ByteString.
- Simple type change...
HeistT n m [Node] -- Generic splice
Restricting Times of Execution
- Binding a compiled splice at runtime has no effect because compiled splices are only processed once when the application loads.
- So we to make it impossible to bind new compile time splices at run time.
- We do want to be able to bind new compile time splices at compile time
- So we restrict the ability to modify compiledSpliceMap to the following function
withLocalSplices :: [(Text, Splice n)]
-> HeistT n IO a
-> HeistT n IO a
- This prevents the user from using this function in the wrong (run time) context.
- Again, might be able to do it in Java with wrappers, but then you lose the single HeistT abstraction.
A Compiled Splice Example
fooSplice :: MonadIO n => HeistT n IO (DList (Chunk n))
fooSplice = do
-- :: HeistT n IO
lift $ putStrLn "This executed at load time"
C.yieldRuntimeText $ do
-- :: RuntimeSplice n a
lift $ putStrLn "This executed at run/render time"
val <- lift getValueFromDatabase
return $ pack $ show (val+1)
- Very clear distinction between load time and run time.
- If the distinction was not typed, the difference would be much less clear and easy to get wrong.
Parting thoughts
- Later on, I discovered that I had to keep interpreted splices around because I needed their recursive properties.
- Therefore, the unified HeistT became an even bigger win.
- We've seen that purity, strong types, and monads can:
- Help you prevent data corruption in concurrent applications in pursuit of shorter critical sections and reduced lock contenion.
- Prevent bugs that might arise from confusion between diferent phases of execution.
- Enforce that compiled splices can only be bound at load time, eliminating the chance that you'll think they are bound when they're not.
- Guide exploration of complicated problems
- Expand your dictionary of concepts and ways of thinking about a problem.
- Languages influence the way we think about problems.
- "The thing you ought to be optimizing is your time." -- Douglas Crockford