Doing More with Modules and Types
Writing code that can't go wrong
Doug Beardsley (Soostone Inc)
Programmers will ALWAYS make mistakes

- Progress dictates that complexity will be near the limits of our capabilities.
- What do we do about this?
- Make the computer prevent as many of our mistakes as possible
- Encapsulation
- Invariants
- How does Haskell accomplish this?
- Strong static type system
- Purity
- Module system
Two Misconceptions
- Haskell's type system isn't much more useful than, say, Java's
- Might not be stated in those words, but that's the main thrust of the criticism.
- Common in the dynamic language camp, where some seem to think that just associating a type with something doesn't gain you all that much.
- Haskell's module system is not very powerful
- Usually in comparison to ML.
- Lacks interfaces
- But still quite useful
- Encapsulation / Implementation hiding
- Enforcing invariants
- Four examples:
- Encapsulation: A simple stack
- Interdependent data
- Order of computations
- Security checks
Example: Stack
module Stack where
newtype Stack a = Stack { unStack :: [a] }
push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
push a (Stack as) = Stack (a:as)
pop :: Stack a -> (Maybe a, Stack a)
pop (Stack []) = (Nothing, Stack [])
pop (Stack (a:as)) = (Just a, Stack as)
emptyStack :: Stack a
emptyStack = Stack []
- Standard OO-style example
- Module exports the following symbols:
- Stack (type constructor), Stack (data constructor), unStack (getter and setter), push, pop, emptyStack
- We want to hide our stack's implementation
- In Java, encapsulation is mostly done by classes.
- Haskell data types don't have this
- Instead, Haskell uses modules
Module Syntax
module Stack where
Module Syntax
module Stack where
module Stack
( Stack(..)
) where
- Exports Stack (type constructor), Stack (data constructor), getters and setters for all fields.
Module Syntax
module Stack where
module Stack
( Stack(..)
) where
- Exports Stack (type constructor), Stack (data constructor), getters and setters for all fields.
module Stack
( Stack
) where
- Only exports the type constructor, not the data constructor or any of the field accessors.
- Other modules can't construct a Stack
Encapsulation with Modules
module Stack
( Stack
, push, pop, emptyStack
) where
newtype Stack a = Stack { unStack :: [a] }
push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
push a (Stack as) = Stack (a:as)
pop :: Stack a -> (Maybe a, Stack a)
pop (Stack []) = (Nothing, Stack [])
pop (Stack (a:as)) = (Just a, Stack as)
emptyStack :: Stack a
emptyStack = Stack []
- Module exports the following symbols:
- Stack (type constructor), push, pop, emptyStack
- Implementation is hidden, emptyStack is the only constructor
- We could change the implementation to an Array or Vector and no user-facing code would be affected.
Real World: Encapsulation in Snap
- Snap makes heavy use of this kind of encapsulation.
- Snap 0.3
newtype Snap a = Snap
{ unSnap :: StateT SnapState (Iteratee ByteString IO) (Maybe (Either Response a)) }
newtype Snap a = Snap
{ unSnap :: StateT SnapState (Iteratee ByteString IO) (SnapResult a) }
What if you need more flexibility?
- Sometimes users legitimately need access to the internals.
- Two conventions
- Internal modules (Snap.Internal)
- unsafeFoo functions
- If a user uses an unsafe function or imports a .Internal module, they can't complain if something breaks.
- Very common convention, used by bytestring, text, lens, etc.
Example: Enforcing Invariants
data Team = Team
{ teamName :: Text
, teamCountry :: Text
, teamAddress :: Address
data Address = Address
{ addrStreet :: Text
, addrCity :: Text
, addrState :: Text
, addrPostal :: Text
, addrCountry :: Text
Example: Enforcing Invariants
data Team = Team
{ teamName :: Text
, teamCountry :: Text -- Duplicate data
, teamAddress :: Address
data Address = Address
{ addrStreet :: Text
, addrCity :: Text
, addrState :: Text
, addrPostal :: Text
, addrCountry :: Text -- Duplicate data
- Problem
- Country stored in two places
- Might get out of sync
Solution: Smart Constructor Pattern
module Types.Team
( Team -- Note this is not Team(..)
, mkTeam
, teamName
) where
data Team = Team
{ teamName :: Text
, teamCountry :: Text -- Duplicate data
, teamAddress :: Address
mkTeam :: Text -> Address -> Team
mkTeam name addr = Team name (addrCountry addr) addr
- Only export the type constructor, not the data constructor.
- Define our own "smart constructor" and export that instead.
- Don't export field symbols for teamCountry and teamAddress.
- Now it is impossible to ever have a team with inconsistent addresses (outside the Types.Team module).
Solution: Smart Constructor Pattern
module Types.Team
( Team -- Note this is not Team(..)
, mkTeam
, teamName
) where
data Team = Team
{ teamName :: Text
, _teamCountry :: Text -- Duplicate data
, _teamAddress :: Address
mkTeam :: Text -> Address -> Team
mkTeam name addr = Team name (addrCountry addr) addr
- Only export the type constructor, not the data constructor.
- Define our own "smart constructor" and export that instead.
- Don't export field symbols for teamCountry and teamAddress.
- Now it is impossible to ever have a team with inconsistent addresses (outside the Types.Team module).
- If you really want to export those names, then name your field accessors something different.
- What features of Haskell made this work?
- What features of Haskell made this work?
- Strong static type system
- What features of Haskell made this work?
- Strong static type system
- Purity
- What features of Haskell made this work?
- Strong static type system
- Purity
- Module system
- What features of Haskell made this work?
- Strong static type system
- Purity
- Module system
- If any one of these three is missing, then you lose the guarantee.
- What features of Haskell made this work?
- Strong static type system
- Purity
- Module system
- If any one of these three is missing, then you lose the guarantee.
- All of this may seem simple and obvious, but it can get more complicated...
More powerful possibilities
- mkTeam can do turing-complete calculations
- Serialization of some kind of blob structure
- Sorting to ensure structures are kept in a certain order
- Caching expensive computations and ensuring that the cache is up to date
- Smart constructor can be monadic
- Enforcing all kinds of other invariants
More powerful possibilities
- mkTeam can do turing-complete calculations
- Serialization of some kind of blob structure
- Sorting to ensure structures are kept in a certain order
- Caching expensive computations and ensuring that the cache is up to date
- Smart constructor can be monadic
- Enforcing all kinds of other invariants
- Big point: Haskell types give you arbitrarily complex turing-complete guarantees!
- This comes directly from the synergy between string static types, purity, and the module system.
Example: Encapsulation and Template Haskell
- You're generating symbols from TemplateHaskell (e.g. groundhog, persistent, lens)
module Types.Team where
data Team = Team
{ teamName :: Text
, teamCountry :: Text
, teamAddress :: Address
mkPersist defCodegen [groundhog|
- entity: Team
dbName: team
Example: Encapsulation and Template Haskell
- You're generating symbols from TemplateHaskell (e.g. groundhog, persistent, lens)
module Types.Team where
data Team = Team
{ teamName :: Text
, teamCountry :: Text
, teamAddress :: Address
mkPersist defCodegen [groundhog|
- entity: Team
dbName: team
- Problem
- mkPersist exports a LOT of symbols.
- You don't know what they are.
- Exporting them explicitly is too painful.
- If you don't export explicitly, you export too much.
Solution: Separate Modules
module Types.Team.Smart
( Team
, mkTeam
, teamName
) where
data Team = Team
{ teamName :: Text
, teamCountry :: Text
, teamAddress :: Address
mkTeam :: Text -> Address -> Team
mkTeam name addr = Team name (addrCountry addr) addr
module Types.Team
( module Types.Team
, module Types.Team.Smart
) where
import Types.Team.Smart
mkPersist defCodegen [groundhog|
- entity: Team
dbName: team
- We still have all of the above safety
- Everyone else only imports Types.XYZ
- Good ideas
- Put as little code as possible in the .Smart module.
- Any time you're working on a .Smart module, you know you need to be careful to maintain the invariants establised by the type's smart constructor.
- Easy to find .Smart modules and put more audit scrutiny into them.
Example: Snap and Ordering Constraints
- The
monad had ordering constraints.
- I wanted to make it impossible for the user to get the ordering wrong.
- But how do you enforce ordering with types?
Adding a newtype
newtype SnapletInit b v = SnapletInit (Initializer b v (Snaplet v))
makeSnaplet :: Text
-> Text
-> Maybe (IO FilePath)
-> Initializer b v v
-> SnapletInit b v
nestSnaplet :: ByteString
-> SnapletLens v v1
-> SnapletInit b v1
-> Initializer b v (Snaplet v1)
- In order to use nestSnaplet (the place that had ordering constraints) you have to have a SnapletInit.
- The only way to get a SnapletInit is with makeSnaplet.
- makeSnaplet contains the stuff that has to happen first.
- nestSnaplet contains stuff that has to happen second.
- The user never sees anything except Initializer.
- Impossible for the end user to get it wrong
Example: Security
- Problem
- Don't want to think about security 100% of the time
- Can't forget about security when it matters
- Solution
- High-level code is security-oblivious
- Running low-level code requires a security check
- How do we enforce this?
Layered architecture
- Haskell can enforce invariants on computations, too
- e.g. "This computation always makes a security check before calling low-level code"
- Technique: Monad with smart constructor
is a monad transformer that requires a check before running lower-level code from the higher-level monad
module SecureT (SecureT, runSecureT, liftChecked) where
-- ...
data User = User { userCapabilities :: Set Capability }
newtype SecureT m a = SecureT (ReaderT User m a)
deriving (Functor, Monad)
runSecureT :: SecureT m a -> User -> m a
runSecureT (SecureT action) user = runReaderT action user
getCurrentUser :: Monad m => SecureT m User
getCurrentUser = SecureT ask
liftChecked :: Monad m => Capability -> m a -> SecureT m a
liftChecked requiredCapability action = do
user <- getCurrentUser
if requiredCapability `Set.member` userCapabilities user
then SecureT $ lift action
else fail $ "Permission denied: " ++ show requiredCapability
Making it Safe
- Export
type, but not SecureT
is the smart constructor
- Note: instances are always exported (implicitly)
- So, do NOT implement
or MonadIO
and liftIO
would bypass smart constructor
Making it abstract
- What if we want multiple implementations?
- Make a typeclass
class MonadChecked capability t where
liftChecked :: Monad m => capability -> m a -> t m a
instance MonadChecked Capability SecureT where
liftChecked requiredCapability action = do
user <- getCurrentUser
if requiredCapability `Set.member` userCapabilities user
then SecureT $ lift action
else fail $ "Permission denied: " ++ show requiredCapability
- To move
into a typeclass, we just replace the hard-coded Capability
with typeclass parameter capability
and SecureT
with t
- Typeclasses that describe a monad with particular behavior are traditionally named "
, MonadWriter
, MonadState
, MonadIO
, etc.
- Implementers of
must still be careful about exports, just like before
However, code that is fully polymorphic is safe, regardless:
f :: (Monad m, MonadChecked Capability t) => t m a
Since f
's type signature doesn't include MonadIO, it can't use it, even if an instance exists for some types t
and m
- Haskell's module system is crucial to constructing ADTs that hide their representation.
- The combination of the module system with Haskell's purity and strong types makes it uniquely poweful compared to today's mainstream languages in providing guarantees about your code.
- All the encapsulation OO languages talk about
- Consistency guarantees that aren't possible in other languages (because of monads and purity)
- Guarantee the order of computations
- Ensure security checks happen